"Türkmen sporty" gazeti

Founder: Turkmen Sporty newspaper editorial office
Adress: 66, 1995, Ashgabat
Telephones: 22-33-91, 22-33-72


The harbinger of peace

The national legislature is being improved to ensure the legal support for the mass physical culture movement and high-level sports thanks to the great concern of the President of Turkmenistan. The Laws of Turkmenistan ‘On Professional Sports’, ‘On Volunteering’, ‘On Physical Education and Sports’ and other legal documents confirm the above-mentioned fact. The Saglyk State Programme, the Programme on the Support and Development of Physical Culture and Sports in Turkmenistan for 2021–2025, and the National Programme for ensuring the healthy well–being of the population in Turkmenistan for 2023-2028 created ample opportunities for the successful implementation of large projects and for the legal basis for the development of high-level sports in the country.

The guide for young people

Excellent conditions are created for the younger generations to become smart, healthy, educated, broad-minded professionals, who master their skills in advanced technologies and sports in our beloved country. It should be noted that the national education system of Turkmenistan improves according to the world standards in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The work implemented on the basis of the concepts of developing the digital education system, improving the teaching of foreign languages, natural and exact sciences yields positive results in the country. Favourable conditions are provided for the effective work of the educational staff and the education of young people at the world level.

Respect for the great thinker

The literary heritage of the great classical poet Magtymguly Pyragy became the voice of the Turkmen people. His sharp mind, wisdom, high dignity, and spiritual wealth represent an unexampled treasure. Each line of the master resounds the souls of the Turkmen people and points to a clear life path. The poetry by the thinker have turned into popular sayings and proverbs. Everyone considers the poet to be a supporter and teacher in work and life. Magtymguly dreamed of a peaceful and happy life for the people, left a wonderful poetic legacy for the following generations, and shared his deep wisdom and feelings. In this context, the importance of the poetry by Magtymguly Pyragy has gone beyond the national borders and has become an integral part of the world literature, a worthy contribution to the wisdom of humanity. The literary heritage of the poet reflects the life of both the Turkmen society, and the whole humanity.

The principles of a healthy lifestyle

Building a healthy society and developing the mass physical culture and sports are the priorities of the wise socially-oriented policy put forward by the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov. Our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has noted that sports represent a combination of strength, beauty, health and inspiration. The people who practice sports develop physical and mental strength. The President of Turkmenistan creates great opportunities for the youth to reach their goals with enthusiasm. The international tournaments in various modes of sports held in our country, the construction of modern sports and health complexes, multipurpose stadiums, equestrian centres, motordromes, special sports schools and facilities demonstrate the importance attached to the development of sports in Turkmenistan.

Nationwide celebrations

The World Bicycle Day was traditionally widely celebrated in our country on June 3. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov took part in the mass cycling marathon held in the Turkmen capital on this international holiday, which entered the UN's International Calendar of Days and Weeks. Thus, the participation of the President of Turkmenistan enhanced the significance of the event. As is known, ecological issues are closely related to the social and economic policy of Turkmenistan. They occupy an important place in the state programmes and large-scale projects. In this context, special importance is attached to the promotion and development of sports in the country. This work leads to an increase in the number of people who practice sports.

Respect for the great thinker

Every day of life in our beloved country, which moves forward on the path of progress, provides festive and joyful events. Turkmenistan and the international community celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker, the master of words, in the year ‘Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy’. To date, ample opportunities are created to study creativity of the great historical personalities and to promote the literary heritage thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

The basis for health

The national health system has achieved huge success thanks to the great concern of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. In this context, the experience of specialists of Myrat Garryyev State Medical University of Turkmenistan and their instructions encourage young people to conduct scientific research. These measures create great opportunities for labour achievements. Students study advanced practices, master the latest information technologies, and conduct competitive and effective scientific work.

The city of sports opportunities

Turkmenistan has widely celebrated the Ashgabat City Day. On the eve of the celebrations, the Turkmen capital was declared the City of New Sports Opportunities of the Commonwealth. The draft Decision on declaring Ashgabat the City of New Sports Opportunities of the Commonwealth was adopted at the meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States, which was held in the Turkmen capital. This fact enhanced the international prestige of our country and provoked pride of our compatriots. Thanks to the initiatives of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the concern of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the Turkmen capital has been developed and beautified in our epoch. The number of facilities expands rapidly in Ashgabat. Those facilities include the multipurpose sports complexes and centres.

An ocean of wisdom

Turkmenistan holds spectacular events to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great thinker in the year ‘Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy’. The book ‘Magtymguly’ by the President of Turkmenistan includes the poems by the great poet. The literary work became a valuable gift to our compatriots these happy days. The book has primary importance in educating the younger generations in the spirit of pride, love and respect for the literary heritage of the great master Magtymguly Pyragy.

Education of the younger generations

The essential economic needs of the times include the advanced development of the independent, permanently neutral Turkmenistan and education of the comprehensively developed, physically and mentally healthy, enterprising and talented young people. In our wonderful epoch, ample opportunities are created for the harmonious development of the Turkmen youth in education, science and culture thanks to the rich life experience gathered and improved by our people and to the modern achievements. The national institutions of higher education organize the general classes through the digital system, as well as the online and video classes with scientific and educational centres of foreign countries.

A futsal tournament

The Futsal Championship of Ahal Velayat was held at the Multifunctional Sports Complex of the city of Arkadag for the players born in 2009-2011. Five teams took part in the event, which was jointly organized by the Ahal Velayat Main Department on Physical Culture and Sports and the Department on Physical Culture and Sports of the city of Arkadag. The team of the Ahal Velayat sports boarding school for young Olympians and the team of Ak Bugday Etrap met in the final of the tournament. The decisive match was very close and revealed the strongest team. Thus, the team of the Ahal Velayat sports boarding school for young Olympians took the first place. The players of Ak Bugday Etrap became the runners-up, and the representatives of the team of Kaka Etrap entered the top three. The prize-winners received the letters of honour and medals from the Ahal Velayat Main Department on Physical Culture and Sports.

Concern for the younger generations

The main condition for development is to educate the younger generations who will build the future, create and find their place in life. In this context, Turkmenistan successfully implements the youth policy. Impressive work is underway to ensure that the younger generations live a happy, healthy life, acquire the most advanced knowledge, and keep pace with the youth of the world. The noble activities of the Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Charitable Foundation for Aid to Children in Need of Guardianship, which was founded thanks to the great concern of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, our Hero Arkadag, are aimed at these measures.

Exciting events

Significant events took place in our white marble capital and inspired our compatriots on the Day of the Constitution and the State Flag of Turkmenistan. The opening ceremony of the Magtymguly Pyragy Cultural Park Complex in the unique corner of Ashgabat enriched the glorious events. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov noted in the speech at the opening ceremony that the literary works by the great thinker provoke the love of every citizen of Turkmenistan for our people and beloved Motherland. They instil high morals in the younger generations to make them educated, professional and hardworking for the benefit of our country and the whole humanity.

Pride for the epoch of happiness

Turkmenistan achieved impressive development. The Turkmen people take pride in the progress in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The national economy, science and culture advance positive development under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, because this progress enhance the international prestige of our country. In our epoch, the national culture and classical literature are promoted in the world. Scientists and creative workers of the country take part in international conferences and meetings. This fact has great importance in the year ‘Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy’ and contributes to the development of cultural diplomacy, to the consolidation of humanitarian relations between nations.

Our spiritual values

The young people in Turkmenistan are proud of the cultural, spiritual, literary and material values that our people have created over the centuries. The priceless heritage of the Turkmen people, who have made a huge contribution to the world civilization, forms a reliable foundation for modern rapid development and bright future for the nation. Our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized the importance of fulfilling Magtymguly Pyragy's dreams of a prosperous nation based on the heritage and achievements of the modern science, education, and technology, and forming comprehensively developed younger generations to govern the country in the future.

Wellness gives inspiration

Health and sports represent important aspects of the life of the Turkmen state and society. The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov attaches great importance to the comprehensive development of these aspects in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Protection of the national health in Turkmenistan is a multifaceted task. It includes prevention of various diseases, their early detection, effective treatment, promotion of the principles of a healthy lifestyle, and active involvement of the people in the mass physical education and sports events.

Global glory of the Turkmen poet

The President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized that the literary works by the great poet and thinker Magtymguly Pyragy became the voice of the Turkmen soul in the world. According to the Decree of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, 2024 was declared the year ‘Ocean of Wisdom of Magtymguly Pyragy’ to cherish the national heritage of the Turkmen people, to enhance the international prestige of our country, to study the life and creativity of the poet, to promote his literary heritage among the world community, and to educate the younger generations in the spirit of pride, love and respect for the master in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state.

The principles of a healthy lifestyle

The younger generations are happy that the physical culture and mass sports events are held on a regular basis in Turkmenistan, which has become the home of health and inspiration in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Modern stadiums and sports complexes built in the country provide excellent conditions for training athletes and achieving great success. These facilities provide wide opportunities for children to practice various sports. A large number of sports facilities are concentrated in the Olympic Village, which adds beauty to the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat.

Success of the young tennis player

The young Turkmen tennis player Ilima Guseynova set new records. The 14-year-old Ilima won 4 gold medals at the Tennis Championship of Turkmenistan. The disciple of the experienced coach Mirali Gasanov competed in the U14 and U18 events.

Spiritual heritage of the people

The name of Magtymguly Pyragy is known to every person in Turkmenistan from the childhood. Everyone tries to give a reason for this fact with the course of time, because Magtymguly is the poet and thinker who gathered the wisdom of the Turkmen people. The wise instructions and poems by the great poet and thinker have turned into proverbs nowadays. His views on morality, honesty, patience, charity, patriotism and courage are valuable for both the elders and the youth.