"Türkmenistanyň lukmançylygy" žurnaly

Founder: Ministry of health and medical industry of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-55
Email: t-lukmanchylyk-zurnaly@sanly.tm


Improving population health literacy as a tool for disease prevention

Nurmuhammet AMANNEPESOV, Muhammet ERGESHOV, Ogulmahri GELDIYEVAMinistry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, the Information center of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan Health literacy, or medical literacy (ML), is a key part of the public health system and covers a wide range of human values-oriented activities. The Shanghai Declaration on Health Promotion, developed in 2016 as part of the WHO 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, states: “Health literacy empowers people and enables them to actively participate in various health-related activities”.

Pharmacoepidemiological studies of the use of antihypertensive drugs in patients with arterial hypertension

Orazgylych ORAZGYLYJOVDepartment of physical therapy, rehabilitation and sports medicine of SMUT named after M. Garryyev Arterial hypertension (AH) is a common disease among the population and, due to the high probability of developing cardiovascular complications, requires constant monitoring and, in most cases, continuous treatment in health houses [1, 2, 6].

Differential diagnosis of suppurative echinococcal cysts and bacterial liver abscesses

Nazar GARRYYEV, Gylychdurdy GURBANBERDIYEV, Serdar MAMMETYAZOVTreatment and consultative center named after S.A. Niyazov, Department of postgraduate training in surgery SMUT named after M. Garryyev Significant difficulties arising in the differentiation of suppurative echinococcal cysts and bacterial liver abscesses determine the need for constant improvement of diagnostic techniques [3, 5]. The predominance of similar imaging data of these types of focal liver formations reduces the diagnostic effectiveness of ultrasound and computed tomography, which are most often used in their differentiation [4, 6, 8].

Determination of predictors of the frequency of first-time atrial fibrillation after coronary artery bypass grafting

Rejepmyrat ALIYEVHospital with a scientific and clinical center of cardiology Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), occurring in approximately 27-33% of cases [1-3]. Although many studies have shown that the SYNTAX score can be used as a predicative indicator for a number of complications after CABG, such as myocardial infarction and stent thrombosis, few researches have been conducted on the use of this score as a new predictor of AF after CABG.

The effectiveness of diagnostic methods in determining soft tissue sarcoma

Annamyrat ANNAMUHAMMEDOV, Yanyl GUJUKBAYEVADepartment of radiation diagnostics, therapy and oncology of SMUT named after M. Garryyev, Scientific and clinical center of oncology Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) among all malignant neoplasms (MN) is 0,2-2,6%. Diagnostic methods for soft tissue sarcoma are different, but their features have not been studied individually and are an urgent problem in clinical oncology [7, 10, 11].

Peculiarities of tear production of residents of Turkmenistan depending on the season of the year

Gulnara GURBANOVAInternational educational-scientific center Due to the significant spread of dry eye syndrome in society, which is considered a “disease of civilization”, issues of diagnosis, treatment and new data on the study of the functioning of the lacrimal gland are of great interest. The prevalence of dry eye syndrome among the population of various countries in 2007 ranged from 5% to 30% [5, 7].

The role of hippotherapy in restorative medicine

Nurmyrat KAKABAEVEmergency first aid center Hippotherapy is one of the innovative and at the same time the ancient methods of rehabilitation of people with disabilities.

The importance of implementing workplace health promotion programs in the prevention of non-communicable diseases

Nurmuhammet AMANNEPESOV, Esenmurat ANNAMYRADOV, Muhammet ERGESHOVMinistry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, Department of organization, management and financing of health care of SMUT named after M. Garryyev The “National Strategy for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases in Turkmenistan for 2021-2025” provides for the active participation of state authotities, institutions, enterprises and organizations, regardless of ownership, in the work on the introduction of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of non-communicable diseases among the population, the implementation of comprehensive work in the field of creating favorable conditions and opportunities for protection and strengthening the health of workers, carrying out physical education and other measures for the prevention of diseases.

Morphological features of corneal neovascularization during treatment of purulent keratitis with autoplasma (in an experiment)

Ayjemal ORAZALIYEVA, Perhat OVEZGYLYJOV, Merdan SULEYMANOV, Jahan LAMANOVA, Gohar PETROVA, Gulnabat TOSHIYEVAScientific research center, Scientific and clinical center for eye diseases, Department of forensic medicine and law, pathological anatomy of SMUT named after M.Garryyev The cornea is the main refractive surface of the eye, the transparency of which is due to the peculiarities of its complex, highly organized structure. In some pathological conditions (chemical burns, ischemia, trauma, inflammation), changes in the cornea cause the appearance of various degrees of neovascularization and opacification with subsequent disruption of its transparency [1].

Comparative analysis of the result of microvascular decompression in trigeminal neuralgia

Nurgeldi SAPAROV, Taganmyrat HOJAGELDIYEV, Saparmuhammet ANNAGELDIYEVInternational center of neurology of the Directorate of international medical centers, Department of pharmacology of SMUT named after M.Garryyev, Multidisciplinary hospital of Arkadag city Trigeminal neuralgia is a disease characterized by severe, acute, paroxysmal pain caused by compression of the trigeminal nerve.

Vascular access in dialysis patients with type II diabetes mellitus

Nazar KARRIYEV, Sapargeldi MATNEPESOV, Mekan REJEPOVTreatment and consultative center named after S.A.Niyazov, Department of hospital surgery of SMUT named after M. Garryyev, Hospital with Scientific and clinical center of cardiology Programmed hemodialysis with permanent vascular access (PVA) remains the leading treatment method for patients with the end-stage chronic renal failure (ESRF) [1]. The effectiveness of PVA is largely determined by the adequacy of the vascular access – arteriovenous fistula (AVF). PVA should ideally ensure that the blood flow rate matches the prescribed dialysis proportion and long-term functioning without complications. Despite the fact that significant progress has been made in dialysis technology in recent years, the problems associated with providing PVA in patients with type II diabetes mellitus remain unresolved [3, 5].

Laser correction of ametropia in myopia with divergent strabismus

Shemshat SERDAROVA, Aygozel GUDRATULLAYEVAInternational center for the treatment of eye diseases, International center for the treatment of head and neck diseases of Directorate of international medical centers Divergent strabismus is often present with congenital or early-onset myopia. In case of divergent strabismus combined with myopic refraction, eyeglass correction is used [1, 2].

Adaptive capabilities and gestational changes in pregnant women with hypothyroidism

Maya KAKAGELDIYEVAHospital with scientific-clinical center of physiology In recent years, the prevalence of hypothyroidism among pregnant women has increased to 15% due to subclinical forms, while the prevalence of manifest hypothyroidism does not change and amounts to 2,0-2,5% [10]. Disorders of thyroid function have a significant impact on the dynamics of pregnancy, the formation of organs and systems of the fetus, affect the nervous and cardiovascular systems (CVS), all types of metabolism and adaptive reactions of the body, which emphasizes the need to study the physiology of the thyroid gland and the mechanisms of regulation of its function [9, 14, 15].

Influence of platelet rich plasma on the prevention of cicatrical stenosis after burns of the esophagus in an experiment

Garabeg GOSHAYEVDepartment of Science of SMUT named after M. Garryyev The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in clinical practice is one of the most important achievements of modern regenerative medicine. In the last few years, this area of science has been actively improved, as a result of which PRP began to be used in various fields of medicine. PRP is successfully used in clinical practice by combustiologists, cosmetologists, dentists, orthopedic traumatologists, urologists, general surgeons and many other specialists.

Determination of the etiological structure of acute respiratory viral infections

Jeren KESHIKOVA, Charymyrad KARLYYEV, Myahri ANNABERDIYEVADepartments of pediatric infections, microbiology of SMUT named after M.Garryyev Acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) remain one of the urgent problems of modern medicine.

The effectiveness of minimally invasive treatment methods for urolithiasis of the ureters

Maksat REMAZANOV, Мammetberdi CHARYYEV, Bazargeldi CHARYYEVMultidisciplinary hospital in the city of Arkadag, Department of urulogy and andrology of SMUT named after M.Garryyev, Treatment and consultative center named after S.A. Niyazov In the structure of urolithiasis, ureterolithiasis accounts for 50% of cases of all stone localizations [1, 3, 5]. Despite the successes achieved in the treatment of nephrolithiasis, the choice of minimally invasive methods for treating stones located in the ureters remains one of the controversial issues.

Course and treatment of primary angle-closure glaucoma with pseudoexfoliative syndrome

Guljahan BERDIYEVA, Ayjamal TAGANOVA, Perhat OVEZGYLYJOV, Mahriban KASYMOVA, Leyla KARAJAYEVAScientific-clinical center for eye diseases, Department of eye diseases of SMUT named after M.Garryyev The presence of a small anterior chamber, a relatively thick lens and a short optical axis of the eye is considered a genetic factor leading to blockade of the anterior chamber angle (AChA) and the development of primary ACG [5, 7].

Risk factors leading to polyhydramnios during pregnancy

Mive AMANGULYYEVA, Ogulsheker ANNAGYLYJOVA, Sheker BERDIYEVA, Guljahan KAKAJANOVAMother and child healthcare scientific-clinical center, Department of postgraduate training in obstetrics and gynecology of SMUT named after M.Garryyev Polyhydramnios is an important problem in modern obstetrics and the main cause of reproductive losses. High rates of perinatal mortality (from 285% to 585%) indicate the importance of the issue of polyhydramnios during pregnancy [1, 3].

Gender differences of interleukin-4 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Tylla TANRYBERDIYEVA, Vladimir KURBANOV, Shemshat AMANDURDYYEVA, Selbi ATDAYEVADepartment of hospital therapy with a course in clinical pharmacology and endocrinology of SMUT named after M. Garryyev Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease, which is characterized by the development of symmetric peripheral polyarthritis and is accompanied by joint destruction, lung damage, cardiovascular diseases, and meningitis [1, 6, 12, 17].

Results of cytological and microbiological studies in patients with chronic otitis media with local complications

Deryaguly RZAYEV, Tachmyrat GARAYEV, Myahri ANNABERDIYEVA, Nefisa ORAKAYEVA, Aman GELDIYEVDepartments of ear, nose and throat diseases, microbiology of TSMU named after M. Garryyev, International scientific-educational center Chronic otitis media with local complications (ChOMLC) is part of a single inflammatory process in the nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, and pharynx. Therefore, there is a reasonable opinion that the middle ear is the “fifth sinus” of our body, and the pathological processes that occur in it are similar to those in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses [6, 12].