"Diýar" žurnaly

Founder: The Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
Adress: Ashgabat c., Garashsyzlyk shayoly, 100, Turkmenbashy centre of free creative work
Telephones: 38-61-56, 39-95-30, 39-95-23
Email: diyar-zurnaly@sanly.tm


Turkmenistan-Emirates: the new page of co-operation

The relations between Turkmenistan and the United Arab Emirates are developed rapidly in bilateral and multi-lateral forms within the limits of regional and international organizations. The official visit to the United Arab Emirates and high level talks of our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on 21-22 of November were aimed at opening new, important pages in interstate relations. As we know, during the visit with participation of delegates of the two countries the bilateral talks of the high level with widened structure were held. As it was noted by the President of the UAE the effective foreign policy and creative initiatives of Neutral Turkmenistan widely recognized by the world community are fully supported. The two friendly countries which are the states having rich natural resources, conveniently located geographically, developing at high rates, all of them open great opportunities for mutually beneficial co-operation in the trade-economic sphere. In order to use fruitfully the existing opportunities in this trend an important place is given to the Joint Committee and the Business Council formed for co-operation between the Trade-industry Establishment of Turkmenistan and with the Federation of Trade-industry Establishments of the United Arab Emirates.

Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan: peace, trust and universal development

Achievements in the spheres of policy, culture and economy, progress and development as well as international authority that have been gained by our country since the day when international status of Permanent Neutrality of Turkmenistan was recognized by the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations Organization with unanimous support of 185 world states, has shown the correctness of the way chosen by our state. Within that period of time, Turkmenistan took upon itself a heavy burden of maintenance of peace both in the region and the whole world and carried out vast activities in this sphere. Turkmenistan, relying on tasks and objectives originating from its legal status of Permanent Neutrality, carries out large-scope activities concerning providing and maintenance of universal peace, global safety and sustainable development and thus, significantly widens the scope of mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign states as well as international organizations. This is completely witnessed by the fact that Turkmenistan, up to present moment, has been maintaining diplomatic relations with numerous states and has been actively participating in the activity of major international organizations as their member.

The importance of International health care

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the global authority on public health within the United Nations. Founded in 1948, WHO collaborates with the governments of 194 Member States to ensure the highest attainable level of health for all. Currently, more than 7000 people work in 150 country offices, 6 regional offices and at the headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Organization’s work is guided by the principle that health is a human right, and it seeks to extend universal health coverage, protect people from health emergencies, and ensure that all people enjoy better health and well-being. Turkmenistan is part of the WHO European Region, which comprises 53 countries: this Region covers a vast geographical area reaching from the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans. WHO staff in the Region are public health, scientific and technical experts, based in the Regional Office in Copenhagen, Denmark, in five technical centres and in country offices in 30 Member States.

Turkmen school of painting in the 15th century

As it has been shown in the book «Turkmenistan — the Heart of the Great Silk Road» (Ashgabat, 2017) by our Hero Arkadag, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the roots of the Turkmen culture go back to the ancient times. The book gives the historical materials and books written about the art and cultural traditions of the Turkmen people. Among them «The Book» of Marco Polo (1254-1324) tells about the ornaments designed by the Turkmen women, their decorations, famous Turkmen carpets, their designs which are striking evidence of the existence of the Turkmen art of painting since the ancient times. The pictures of animals, birds, plants depicted on the Turkmen carpets, charms and decorations show aspirations of their creators, quest for perfection since the ancient times. The Islamic religion founded by Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century militated against the pre-Islamic tradition of making figures and depicting the living beings. Once I asked my grandfather the reason for this, he said: «There is a popular belief that if you draw a picture, then those beings depicted in the picture will ask you on doomsday, in that eternal world, to make them alive and give them souls, but you cannot make them alive, because everything is in the hands of the Almighty Allah». It is evident that such beliefs are closely connected with Muslim traditions.

New pages of archeology of Turkmenistan

Every year in June our country celebrates the Day of Science. Owing to the efforts our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov all branches of science of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan develop intensively. In this regard, both compatriots and others are pleased to report that the staff of the Institute of History and Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan continues to discover new and interesting things during excavations, thus replenishing the collection of its museum. Every year archaeological research is carried out in spring and autumn. But the pathfinders of the history of the Archeological Research Institute of the same name, for example, the participants in the excavations, working there, of course, only by vocation, and therefore motivated, found it expedient to end this archaeological season a little later. This is on the eve of the commemoration of the day of science, which has become another incentive to work, which was pleasantly provoked by the newly noticed carefully recovered finds. In a word, for almost the entire first ten days of June, every year [on weekdays, since the weather "allowed from morning until the onset of heat], we complete the excavations. The Turkmen people say: «If you get up early, you would have a good day». At this stage, our institute is conducting more than one field study on objects of retro-culture, once created

Garden is decoration of life

The International Certificate given to the city of Ashgabat for its support through tree-planting actions and its contribution to the initiative «Gardens in the city» of the European Economic Commission of the UNO proves the recognition of successes of our country in protection of ecology and environment on the international level and success in turn in foreign policy of our country. At the session of the Cabinet of Ministers on the 22nd of April of this year our Esteemed President congratulating our people with important events underlined that the programs and projects of Turkmenistan and the UNO directed at attaining the sustainable development have been successfully realized by common efforts. For the sake of securing national and universal ecological safety the National Forest Program including the tasks of tree planting around the towns and villages, along automobile highways and railroads in our country is successfully being realized. Because protecting nature is one of the important trends of the state policy of Turkmenistan. It consists of taking care of health, creating good living conditions and for having a rest of people. In March of this year organization of tree planting event started by our Esteemed President in our capital devoted to the day of International Novruz Holiday—our National Spring Holiday vividly shows this truth.


The Regulation of the Competition Our Independent, permanently Neutral state of Turkmenistan is famous for its beautiful tourist areas, cultural values and beauty. The competition is held in order to spread the artistic value of beautiful places, historical and cultural monuments, various purpose-built buildings and cultural recreation zones of our country that add beauty to the capital city and regional centres. Competitions held in this field help to increase the creative inspiration of journalists and creative workers.

Opening of the «Tashkent» Park in a Solemn Atmosphere.

 The negotiations held in the framework of  the official visit of the delegates from Uzbekistan to our capital city to develop high level co-operation leading to bright future is a great impetus. Our Independent and Neutral Turkmenistan playing a great role for accelerating relationship with neighbouring countries for the benefit of sustainable development. 

Description of medicines of our country

Our ancestors, who  said  «Healthy pear will not fall off its stem»,  knew  first of all the  necessity of health for continuation of life. For that reason they managed to prevent diseases and disorders which occurred through various methods. Abu Ali Ibn Sina, known in the country as Lukman Hekim (Doctor of Medicine), who devoted most of his life to making medicine against various diseases, also left us some valuable information related to the protection of human health in his treatises. Looking at it from a modern point of view, the multi-volume scientific and encyclopedic book «Medicinal plants of Turkmenistan» which provides indispensable information about the thousands of types of medicinal plants growing in our country, their health benefits, is enough to strengthen human body, to prevent diseases and to prolong life.

Our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov paid the state visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan

On the 14th of October our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov paid the two days state visit in order to take part in the two summit meetings, in the session of  the Council of the Heads of the CIS and  in the «Central Asia-Russia» Summit held in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan Republic. Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan Republic, Nickol Pashinyan, the Prime Minister of  Armenian Republic, Alexander Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of Belarus, Sadyr Japarov, the President of the Kirghiz Republic, Vladimir Putin, President of Russian Federation, Emomali Rakhmon, the President of the Tajikistan Republic, Shavkat  Mirziyoyev, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Sergey Lebedev, the Head, the Executor Secretary of the CIS took part in the high level meeting held under the Chairmanship of the Head of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The session of  the Council of the Heads of the CIS being held in the «Almata» Congress Centre the President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev congratulating the participants, underlining the participation of Serdar Berdimuhamedov in this meeting for the first time wished him great successes in his state work in the name of the Leaders of the CIS.

Ashgabat- the city of creative work

Yesterday the «Design-2022» Ashgabat Forum  and International Exhibition named «Unlimited Design» were opened at the  Trade-industry Establishment of our capital. Our white-marbled capital’s a lot of buildings which astonish many visitors with their perfect construction  were included  the World Guinness’s Record book as the elite art of architecture. The development of architecture is continued successfully in the year «The Epoch of Nation with Arkadag»  by our Esteemed President.

Present to the speed of the fast horse

When the Turkmen people celebrate  holidays, family events and  other important ceremonies they usually  organize horse-races and then give presents  to  the winners of the horse-races. The organization of horse-races at the  Ahal-Teke  Horse-breeding Sport Complex located near the Kopetdag Mountains on the occasion  of the 31st Anniversary, the glorious holiday of Independence of Turkmenistan vividly showed that  these holiday traditions reached our times passing through centuries. The participation of our Esteemed President Serdar  Berdimuhamedov  in the   ceremony increased more the  number of glorious events. Our Turkmen horse which became  the symbols of art, of national and world  culture during the centuries, at present they  have become the symbol of swift movement of  Independent Neutral Turkmenistan to the  new heights of development. Paying respect to the Turkmen horses,   the   names of which became the heroes of legends  following the noble family traditions The Head of our state pays much attention to the  development of national horse-breeding  branch, to increasing of  its authority in the world,  increasing the interest to horse-race sport and its widely popularization. Taking it into account the Turkmen horse-br

Coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!

Akmyrat MUHADOV It is a gift made for people by ArkadagThe coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!It is radiance shining like golden sun,The coast of friendship and brotherhood - Avaza!

The transport-communication system: development of mutually beneficial co-operation

Being loyal to peace-loving, positive Neutrality and foreign policy trend based on fruitful international co-operation traditions, on the problem of mutual relations, including within the limits of the UNO and other authoritative organizations occupying the active position our state of Turkmenistan puts forward initiatives on creating numerous many branched modern transport structure in the regional and transcontinental scale. In this connection it should be noted that on the 15-16th of August the International Forum organized by the transport ministers of the Developing States which have no the sea exit and other interested parties was held under the patronage of the UNO in the «Avaza» National Tourist Zone. On the initiative of Turkmenistan the authoritative regional and inter-regional organizations, the representatives of about 40 states and of more than 30 international organizations took part in this Forum held under patronage of the UNO. As it is known the initiative of holding this forum in our country was put forward by Turkmenistan and it was confirmed by the Decree of the General Assembly of the UNO adopted in 2021.

Development of education in Turkmenistan during the age of Independence

Since the first days of Independence, the development of the education in Turkmenistan has been in the centre of attention of the Head of State. A range of measures have been taken to develop the national education system. At the same time, special attention is paid to the development of international cooperation in the sphere of education. In our country at the present stage of development, the improvement of the activities of educational institutions continues. More and more students are enrolled in higher educational institutions and colleges year by year. All conditions have been created for citizens to receive good education. Opportunities are expanding for the training of highly qualified scientific and teaching personnel who, on the basis of world educational standards, are able to prepare and educate the generation who are to solve the responsible tasks of the development of society. The legislation in the sphere of education is being consistently improved.

Dutar in the Unesco representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity

The joint action plan between Turkmenistan and UNESCO for 2021 — 2023 has been approved through the efforts of the President of Turkmenistan. According to this plan, it is planned to include historical and cultural monuments in the UNESCO World Heritage List, as well as intangible heritage of the ancient culture of our people, their national experience and spiritual wealth. Recently, the craftsmanship of making dutar and the art of playing it and the art of bagshy has been included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, which will pass this to future generations and promote the rich historical heritage in the world. The art of playing dutar and bagshy art of the Turkmen people is one of the unique art of the nation.  In this context, our Esteemed President, who equates our culture with the hearts of our people, is making great efforts in the restoration and development of our material and spiritual culture, our art, and the spiritual development of the cultural traditions of the Turkmen people, which is always a source of pride. At present, these precious traditions have a new meaning. Today, cultural diplomacy has become an important part of Turkmenistan’s international relations. At the same time, the conditions created by the State contribute to the qualitatively new development of the ancient national culture, c

Independence is the statement of eternal happiness

Turkmenistan, which proclaimed its Independence 31 years ago and became the equal member of the world unity, lives in glorious life in our days. The word «Independence» became a traditional notion for us. Living in a happy life for 31 years means the formation of the whole generation. From the point of policy, economy, also in connection with spiritual-public society by passing time we understand deeply that Independence is the necessary criterion for our country, for our society. When we say «Our state», it means happiness.

Building of the bridge is a good work

On the 8th of August Serdar Berdimuhamedov, who is on holiday on the Caspian Sea  Coast took part in the ceremony of laying the foundation  of one more  important object of transport infrastructure - the new automobile bridge across the  bay of the Garabogaz Lake along the Turkmenbashy-Garabogaz-the border of Kazachstan automobile highway. The construction of the new bridge through the   bay of the Garabogaz Lake will increase the significance of the transport corridor the North-East on the international level. Realization of this project  was employed the long-standing partner of Turkmenistan - the «Road Construction «Altcom»», the society with limited responsibility.

The security of the boarders of our Motherland

Carrying out important works on the security of our Motherland, the defence of the sea boarders is one of the primary trends of the our state policy. From this point of view on the 10th of August our Esteemed President took part in the familiarization ceremony of the «Dengiz han» military ship of the corvette type of the «Garshy» Sea Unit of the Military Sea Forces. At present provision of our National Army with the new military ships with modern technology shows strengthening the material-technical basis of the Military Sea Forces. The sea navigators with military preparation, serving in the  ranks of the Military Sea Forces, successfully fulfill the tasks put forward. Being the strong defenders of our sea borders, they provide the security of the sea

Friendly relations strengthen

The state visit of our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov on the 14-15th of June paid to the Republic of Uzbekistan became the proof of more widening mutually beneficial, goodwill and equal in rights relations with world states, including the neighboring countries. During the high level talks held in the «Kuksaroy» Palace the Heads of friendly states discussed the approaches of the parties on further developing fruitful co-operation opening wide opportunities for using high power on the full level. Our Esteemed President expressed his confidence that the content and trends of the Turkmen-Uzbek political-economic and cultural humanistic relations should be in complex character with the coordinated strategy and close relations, first of all they should serve for long term interests of the two nations and states. During the talks, the issue on cultural-humanistic co-operation was touched upon. In connection with it the opening ceremony of the «Dashkent» Park, the construction of which is carried out in the centre of Ashgabat on the finishing stage, will be an important event. Proposing of holding the Turkmen-Uzbek creative festival in Dashoghuz this year our Esteemed President said that the humanistic relations between the two countries will have wide state support in Turkmenistan as it was before too. In the end of talks a great complex of documents, which will further favo