
Arkadiy GAIDAR, Russian writer. (A short story)


The 300th birth anniversary of the great son of the Turkmen people, thinker, philosopher and poet Magtymguly Pyragy is widely celebrated in our country this year. It is a significant event not only for our country, but also for the world community, and we will organise several festive and solemn events in Uzbekistan. This friendly country is proud of Alisher Navoiy and other great poets. The immortal poetries and humane ideals of the Turkmen poet Magtymguly Pyragy that get to the heart and awaken the wonderful personality traits are the spiritual and moral balm not only for the Turkmen people, but also for all the people in the world. The poems calling for harmony, humanity and cohesion and the immortal words of the great philosopher and poet are an integral part of values of humanity, including the fraternal and friendly people of Uzbekistan. This testifies to good relations between the two neighbouring countries, as well as strong friendship and brotherhood among different peoples of the world.

A new collection of the great poet

Under the leadership of our Esteemed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, every day of our country is devoted to significant events. This year we celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the birthday of Magtymguly. In connection with this event, our President Serdar Berdimuhamedov published the «Selected Works» by Magtymguly Pyragy (Magtymguly. Saýlanan eserler. Aşgabat, Türkmen döwlet neşirýat gullugy, 2024.) which includes the best poems by our great Turkmen poet.

Plum stone

Leo TOLSTOY, Russian writer. (A short story)

Devoted to the poems of Magtymguly

As wise sages say, a good word, a good prayer, a wonderful song, a poem, no matter where it originates in the world, spreads to the world. Judith Pastol, a well-known composer who creates beautiful music on Eastern and European lines and spreads it around the world, lives in Reading, England. When we participated in Pyragy's poetry days organized by the «Friends of Magtymguly» society, which operates in that country, we had the opportunity to be at the house of the female composer, to talk with her about her creativity, the music she created for the works of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great poet, the sage man of the East.

Where potatoes grow?

Agageldi ALLANAZAROV, a writer. (A short story)

Literary friendship is strengthened

Relations of friendship and brotherhood between the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States are constantly being strengthened. The contribution of cultural relations to the further strengthening of friendship between nations is particularly significant. This is clearly evidenced by the 3-part anthology book published in the Russian language by the Humanistic Publishing Association (Moscow) in the series «Modern Literature of CIS Countries». The 3-volume book of contemporary literature of the CIS countries consists of more than 1200 pages and includes the works of 11 countries and 94 authors. It contains samples of the main narrative works of the writers of the neighboring and fraternal nations, which have maintained their mutual relations for centuries.

An apple

(A short story) Emilian BUKOV, Moldovan writer.

Lost day

(A short story) Valentina OSEYEVA, Russian writer.

The bright stars of the east

(Magtymguly and Firdausi) The poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great Turkmen poet and thinker of the 18th century became a new landmark in the development of the Turkmen literature. The truthful description of the life of the Turkmen people and important problems of the Turkmen society of that time, humanistic ideas put forward, exposure of bad deeds and praising in songs good characteristic traits of people have become the magnetic force of Magtymguly’s poetry.