Working Trip of the President of Turkmenistan to the Balkan Velayat

President Serdar Berdimuhamedov made a working trip to the western region of the country, where he acquainted himself with the progress of the implementation of the state programme of the socioeconomic development of the velayats and the pace of grain harvesting. The constant attention of the head of state to creating favourable conditions for the productive work of farmers contributes to an increase in the production of wheat and other agricultural crops.

Wheat Harvesting Starts in Turkmenistan

An important agricultural campaign has started in the country – the grain harvesting campaign. In accordance with the schedule, approved at the sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 31, grain growers from the Ahal, Lebap and Mary velayats began harvesting on June 7, and farmers from the Balkan and Dashoguz regions joined them on June 14. According to good tradition, honorary elders blessed the harvest, offering a prayer to the Almighty for the wellbeing and prosperity of the Motherland and the entire Turkmen people. Having mowed the first ears of wheat with the words “Çäjine bereket!” (“Have a good harvest!”), the elders gave way to combine operators.

Harvest Festival in our Holy Land

Organized by the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkmenistan, the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan, by the khyakims of the provinces and cities of Ashgabat and Arkadag were the main venues of the Harvest Festival in all regions of the country, as well as in the International Ahalteke Equestrian Sports Complex. Leading tenants, mechanists, scientists-agronomists, selectors and other experts who made a worthy contribution to the development of the agricultural industry of the country took an active part in the celebration.

The President of Turkmenistan held a working meeting via a digital system

Today, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov has held a working meeting via a digital system with the participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers T. Atahallyev, who is in charge of the agro-industrial complex, and the khyakims of velayats to discuss issues related to development of the agricultural complex, as well as the progress of work in the regions of the country. The floor was first given to the Akhal Velayat Khyakim R. Hojagulyev, who reported on the state of affairs in the fields of the region.

Days of Knowledge for Turkmen agricultural producers

«7/24. tm», № 38 (121), 19.09. 2022 The Board of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan and the administration of S. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University jointly organised the Days of Knowledge.

A Strategic Resource of the State

Turkmenistan attaches great importance to the development of agriculture, the agroindustrial complex as a whole. The state creates all the conditions conducive to highly productive work of farmers and yielding rich harvests of wheat, cotton and other crops. Reforms in the agroindustrial complex

Labour victory of Turkmen silk growers

«», № 24 (107), 13.06.2022 Turkmen silk growers have delivered over 2,300 tons of cocoons to the state and fulfilled their obligations on the production of the valuable raw materials for the textile industry. This is a tangible result of the measures taken by the state under the wise leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to promote silk production in the country.

Wheat harvest has started in Turkmenistan

On June 3, the grain harvest campaign was launched in the country. During an offsite sitting of the Cabinet of Ministers on May 26, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov blessed the start of the important agricultural campaign, wishing farmers every success in their work. Grain growers of the Ahal, Lebap and Mary velayats were the first to start harvesting, and farmers of the Balkan and Dashoguz velayats joined them on June 10. As the head of state noted, large-scale work, aimed at developing the agricultural sector, was being carried out in the country. The state creates all conditions for farmers. They are fully provided with high-quality seed material, mineral fertilisers, chemicals, modern agricultural machinery and water.

Agroindustrial complex: the Foundation for Economic Growth and High Standard of Living

The development of Turkmenistan’s agroindustrial complex is linked directly to the achievement of food abundance. Effective large-scale reforms, taking place in this sector, aim to improve the performance of agriculture, to raise crop production and to increase exports. Food abundance is one of the main goals of the agricultural policy of Turkmenistan and, at the same time, an essential condition for achieving the strategic national goal – the high quality of life of citizens. Stability factor

Major projects of private production

Representatives of private business take an active part in large-scale activities within the framework of the implementation of the State programmes of the production of import-substituting goods and the increase in the volume of export products. Due to targeted support from the state, entrepreneurs are able to carry out large projects in various sectors of agriculture. In Turkmenistan, one of the main imported food products is vegetable oil. In order to reduce dependence on foreign supplies of this product, businessmen are actively working on the creation of appropriate production facilities.