Pro­fes­sion that Gives Joy

15 April 2022

The­re is a pro­fes­sion – a flo­rist, which gives a go­od mo­od for peop­le. For as long as she can re­mem­ber, Sa­par­gul Mam­met­ku­liyeva, an ag­ro­no­mist at the green­hou­se comp­lex of the Pub­lic Uti­li­ties De­part­ment of the Ash­ga­bat Hya­kim­lik, has al­ways be­en sur­roun­ded by flo­wers and plants. It was so in Mag­tym­gu­ly et­rap, whe­re she spent her child­hood and in the sett­le­ment of Chan­dy­bil, whe­re she la­ter wor­ked as a mas­ter gar­de­ner for several years and at the foot­hills of the Ko­pet­dag Moun­tains, in a new green­hou­se comp­lex.

In­te­res­ting­ly, the love of this won­der­ful pro­fes­sion and in fact, the way of li­fe, was ins­til­led in the crafts­wo­man by her fat­her, who for a long ti­me, un­til re­ti­re­ment, wor­ked as a fo­re­man in the nur­se­ry of the Gök Gu­şak Joint Stock Com­pa­ny. In­deed, fol­lo­wing the es­tab­lis­hed rhythm, Sa­par­gul be­gins her wor­king day by discus­sing the tasks of the cur­rent day with her friend­ly te­am that con­sists of 15 peop­le. And the­re are a lot of them: the checking of how seed­lings grow in special cas­set­tes for sub­sequent plan­ting in open ground, the se­pa­ra­tion of flo­wers by varie­ty and colour sche­me, the pre­pa­ra­tion of pot­ted flo­wers and much mo­re.