President of Turkmenistan welcomes participants of the International Oil and Gas Investment Forum

13 May 2021


“I congratulate you on opening of the International Forum on attracting foreign investments to the oil and gas complex of Turkmenistan! Great importance is paid to this event in order to address many tasks set to the oil and gas complex of the country,” President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says in his welcoming address of to the participants of the investment forum held in Ashgabat.

According to the President of Turkmenistan, along with the export of energy resources to world markets, Turkmenistan pays special attention to the creation of modern oil and gas processing facilities. One of the world leaders in producing natural gas, our country implements large-scale projects to develop the oil and gas and industrial sectors of the national economy. Industrial giants specialized in the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials are built in the country.

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