"Türkmenistan Sport" Halkara žurnalynyň elektron goşundysy

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Countdown timer for the 300th anniversary of Magtymguly Fragi launched

«7/24. tm» № 09 (196), 26.02.2024 The countdown timer to the 300th anniversary of the birth of the great classic of Turkmen literature, the outstanding poet and thinker of the East, has been launched on the portal of Magtymguly Fragi.

National pride

Great work is implemented to preserve the Turkmen alabays, to pass them on to the future generations with all their beauty, and the scientific basis for breeding alabays is successfully improved thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. The Turkmen specialists thoroughly studied the methods inherited by our ancestors in this field, and the experience of world breeders is combined with the national principles.

An inexhaustible treasure of the world literature

Thanks to the concern of our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, Turkmenistan has become one of the most developed countries widely recognized in the world community. In fact, the Turkmen people are known for their noble qualities of bravery, selflessness, humanitarianism, eloquence, and generosity since ancient times. At those times, the Turkmen people, who lived at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, were widely known for their fine carpets, beautiful horses, dutars, and vaharman melons.

Magtymguly Pyragy about health

Our national culture and heritage are cherished in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. Turkmenistan is preparing to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birthday of Magtymguly Pyragy, the great Turkmen thinker and poet. Moreover, the poet's life and work are studied in depth. The issue of human health occupies an important place in the poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy. In his literary works, our wise poet identifies health, inspiration, and a healthy lifestyle among the main things. He encouraged appreciating health and promoting it throughout the life in the lines, ‘Know the value of health before falling ill’, ‘Recreation is the pleasure of the soul, and health is its sultan’. The principles of our wise ancestors are the model for people of all ages.


This art requires a lot of hard work, creativity, and talent.  Patterns are the main feature of the art of embroidery. Embroidery is one of the main arts of our nation. Since ancient times, Turkmen women have been deeply engaged in this art, and decorated their national costumes, household utensils, as well as horse accessories and other household goods with embroidery.

Anau declared cultural capital of the Turkic world in 2024

«7/24. tm», № 46 (129), 13.11.2022 The Permanent Council also decided to declare 2024 the Year of the great poet Magtymguly Fragi, in connection with the 300th anniversary of his birth.

Respect for our national values

On October 29, the second meeting of the Turkmen Alabay International Association was held in Ashgabat and was dedicated to the Turkmen Alabay Day. Members of the government, officials of the relevant departments and institutions of higher education, and members of the Association attended the forum. Foreign dog breeders joined them via videoconferencing. Members of the International Association participated in the meeting via videoconferencing and emphasized the importance of gathering and sharing information about the current conditions of alabays, discussing the issues of their preservation and increasing their number. They highlighted the importance of different joint events, including in methodological conferences, exhibitions, contests, educational conferences, training sessions, and round-table discussions. The participants expressed confidence that cooperation with the Turkmen experts will improve the effectiveness of efforts to preserve the gene pool of these wonderful dogs for the future generations and to increase the number of thoroughbred alabays.

The Turkmen alabays are our national pride

When people read the Turkmen Alabay book by our Hero-Arkadag Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, they realize that our ancestors have always considered alabays as loyal companions and friends. The Turkmen alabays became the pride and national value of our people. The book consists of five chapters, including in ‘May the Rays of Prosperity Illuminate the World!’, ‘First and Loyal Friend’, ‘Childhood Friend – Loyal Friend’, ‘Symbol of Loyalty and Courage’, and ‘Some Notes in My Notebook about Thoroughbred Turkmen Alabay’. This valuable book provides important information about the role of alabays in the life, folklore, literature and creativity of the Turkmen people. The Turkmen proverbs about aim and happiness, namely, ‘a horse is an aim’, ‘dog brings happiness’, ‘my dog is my happiness’, prove that our people saw aims in horses and happiness in alabays. Thus, along with the antiquity, bravery, cleverness, courage, and intelligence of this breed, the book provides many historical sources to reflect the dogs’ loyalty and faithfulness and to increase the love for the Turkmen alabay, which is considered a faithful and loyal friend nowadays. The Turkmen Alabay International Association, established at the initiative of the President of Turkmenistan, demonstrates that the glory of our alabays, which provoke great interest in the world and differ from other dog breeds in their appearanc

Alabays are our national pride

Our national values provoke pride and inspire great respect in the revival of the new epoch of the powerful state. One of these values, which have enhanced the international prestige of our people, is brave, faithful and clever alabays. The Turkmen alabay was chosen the official mascot of the V Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games, held in our country in 2017 to play an important role in the recognition of Turkmenistan as a sports power. This fact demonstrated great respect of the Turkmen people for alabays. The 15-metre Monument of Turkmen Alabay in one of the most beautiful parts of our white-marble capital is another evidence of high esteem for alabays.

The basis of education

Along with different sports, special attention is attached to the Turkmen national games in our epoch. Our ancestors added the national principles, traditions, customs, as well as national games to the treasury of the world culture. The national games created by our ancestors have played an important role in the physical and mental development of the people and have preserved their importance at all times. The Turkmen people have always paid special attention to the upbringing of children and their development as many-sided individuals. The concern of the President of Turkmenistan for children is the pride of every parent. The living standards of our people are excellent. The upbringing of children should be perfect. In their turn, national games form the basis of education.


In the capital in January 26 to 28, 2022 at high organizational level were held the exhibition and the International Scientifi and Practical Conference called «Turkmen Land – the Hearth of Famous Cultural Values in the World». With the videos dedicated to the national historical and cultural heritage, archaeological findings and ancient patterns such as «tazy guyruk» «it yatak» «gujuk yzy» the opening ceremony of the forum has begun. Ethnographic expositions of the capital and regions of the country with the clearly artistic orientation of various art schools such as samples of pottery, kilims, carpets and rugs, jewelry was presented at the exhibition of handicraft art which was organized in the Exhibition Hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. A special attention of the exhibition was given to the books of President Arkadag. An exhibition of best Turkmen Alabays on the special platform has   increased   an   effectiveness of the exhibition. The perfor- mance of Alabays made the ceremony more brightly. They have demonstrated an excellent training in the execution of commands.

To pre­serve the me­mo­ry of ge­ne­ra­tions

Du­ring the inau­gu­ra­tion cere­mo­ny, the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan Ser­dar Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov no­ted in his speech that mea­su­res would be ta­ken to care­ful­ly pre­serve and stu­dy his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge si­tes and to res­to­re his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral mo­nu­ments. The Sta­te Prog­ram­me for the care­ful treat­ment, pre­servation and stu­dy of ob­jects of the na­tio­nal his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge and for their inclu­sion in tou­rist rou­tes for 2022–2028, app­roved by the Decree of the Pre­si­dent of Turk­me­nis­tan, is a vivid con­fir­ma­tion of the words of the he­ad of sta­te sa­id at the inau­gu­ra­tion cere­mo­ny. This Sta­te Prog­ram­me covers a comp­lex of sta­tio­na­ry archaeo­lo­gical re­search and res­to­ra­tion activities plan­ned for his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral mo­nu­ments in al­most all velayats of the count­ry. It al­so provides for the con­ti­nua­tion of the work al­rea­dy be­gun on the stu­dy and pre­servation of ob­jects of his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge, and al­so gives a start to new, previous­ly non-con­ducted re­search.

Land of Bles­sings

This was the na­me of a bloo­ming oa­sis located in the ancient del­ta of the Murg­hab River in an­tique ti­mes, which ama­zed travel­lers with its fer­ti­li­ty and develo­ped cul­tu­re. From ti­me im­me­mo­rial, the cent­re of that re­gion bles­sed by all the gods was Merv. In that mul­ti­faceted and mul­ti-tri­bal tra­de cent­re, located at the cross­roads, ar­tis­tic sty­les, cul­tu­res and cults of the East and the West develo­ped in­ter­pe­net­ra­ting with each ot­her. And various re­li­gious be­liefs we­re in­tert­wi­ned in­to the comp­lex pictu­re of con­fes­sio­nal his­to­ry – Zo­roast­ria­nism, Chris­tia­ni­ty, Ma­nichaeism and Budd­hism, which ma­de the spi­ri­tual at­mosp­he­re of this ancient cent­re of world civili­sa­tion ab­so­lu­te­ly unique. A Budd­hist stu­pa, a temp­le of the “great sacred fi­re” and an oval Chris­tian mo­nas­te­ry built al­most near­by tes­ti­fy to the at­mosp­he­re of great re­li­gious to­le­rance.

The turkmen alabay– Our national value

Protecting national values and popularizing them in the world is one of the primary trends of the state policy constantly put into practice by our He­ro Ar­kadag. Improving further the selection of species and the number of the Turkmen Alabay dogs became an important trend of wide-scale works carried out in this sphere. The book «Turkmen Alabay» by our Esteemed President tells about the role of the Alabay dogs in the life and fate of the Turkmen people. The book tells about the origin and development of the species of the Alabay dogs, about scientific research works, reflections, historical and literary information. In May of 2020 the «Turkmen Alabay Dogs» Association was established. Its main aim is constantly increasing the number of Turkmen Alabay dogs, using the national selection methods and dog-breeding traditions reaching the international level. And it vividly shows that the care for the Alabay dogs which are considered devoted comrades and the national pride on level of the country gives positive results. The archaeological finds discovered during the archaeological excavations in the territory of Turkmenistan in Altyndepe, Gongurdepe, in Nusay, in Dangdanakan located in 60 km. from ancient Merv prove that the Alabay dogs are one of the ancient the species. As a result of the archaeological excavations in different parts of our country historians discovered the traces

A ho­li­day of tas­te, pre­sen­ted by now­ruz!

Now­ruz has come – the who­le world is bloo­ming to­day.The nigh­tin­ga­le is sin­ging about the ro­se to­day. Re­joicing, the heart is drin­king joy to­day. In the de­sert, the gar­den of hap­pi­ness is gro­wing to­day... Turk­men po­et Shey­dayi (1730 — 1800)

Old Fort­ress on the Banks of the Uz­boy

The wes­tern part of our count­ry abounds with sacred mo­nu­ments. Mas­hat Mes­sa­rian, Pa­rav Bi­bi, Goz­li Ata, Shib­li Ba­ba and Ib­ra­him Ho­ja are located the­re. The­re are al­so litt­le-known his­to­rical and archaeo­lo­gical si­tes, si­tua­ted far away from the ur­ban civili­sa­tion, stu­died litt­le and visi­ted ra­re­ly. One of them is the ruins of the Ig­dy-ka­la fort­ress. Whi­le par­ticipa­ting in field expe­di­tions for ma­ny years, I hap­pe­ned to drive mo­re than once not far from that place – just a few ki­lo­met­res, but I visi­ted the fort­ress on­ly last spring, af­ter I had de­ter­mi­ned its exact coor­di­na­tes through sa­tel­li­te naviga­tion. …In the spring, du­ring the flo­we­ring and frui­ting pe­riods, the cover of du­ne sands ma­kes an ini­mi­tab­le imp­res­sion. Bloo­ming po­pu­la­tions of stri­go­sel­la are scat­te­red over vast areas and crea­te a kind of mo­saic ef­fect on the du­ne slo­pes – the li­lac-vio­let spots among tall gras­ses, “ra­ging” in the wind, that ri­se du­ring the short ra­in sea­son. At that ti­me, the blos­so­ming and frui­ting kan­dym, who­se flo­wers emit a de­licate aro­ma and who­se fruits lo­ok li­ke bus­hy balls, is char­ming. The bus­hes stud­ded with bright­ly colou­red “balls” re­semb­le a New Year tree.

Alabay is our cultural heritage

The President of Turkmenistan has great respect for our cultural values and emphasizes that alabay is the wealth of our Motherland, a national value created by our ancestors, that our duty is to preserve it and pass it on to the future generations with all its splendour. Large-scale work is underway to maintain the purity of the breed and to increase the number of alabays last years. The Turkmen Alabay International Association was established; the Turkmen alabay breeding centres were built and put into operation in the regions of our country to preserve, protect and train alabays. These facts demonstrate the deep respect for national values thanks to the concern of the President of Turkmenistan in our great epoch.

Unique Specimen of Turk­men Archi­tectu­re

The eas­tern re­gion of the count­ry abounds with ancient mo­nu­ments that have come down to us. This pri­ma­ri­ly re­fers to the Ka­ra­be­kaul his­to­rical and cul­tu­ral oa­sis located in the heart of the velayat. The­re, 21 ancient buil­dings stand in a re­la­tively small area along the banks of the Amu­da­rya River. The Sol­tan­niyaz­beg fort­ress ta­kes a special place among them. It is located 63 ki­lo­met­res from Turk­me­na­bat. It is not visib­le from a dis­tance, and on­ly when the car climbs the hill, nu­me­rous ruins of various sha­pe and si­ze will ap­pear to the left of the ro­ad. Ancient archi­tects did not choo­se the place of const­ructi­on by chance: a wi­de view from the hill al­lo­wed the in­ha­bi­tants a cen­tu­ry ago to see the app­roaching ene­mies and to pre­pa­re to de­fend the fort­ress. In his scien­ti­fic work Ancient Le­bap, the re­now­ned re­searcher of the his­to­ry of the eas­tern velayat Al­bert Burk­ha­nov wri­tes that the peop­le of the Er­sa­ry tri­be be­gan to sett­le on the banks of the midd­le reaches of the Amu­da­rya River in the 16th cen­tu­ry. They we­re cha­racte­ri­sed by a dis­per­sed sett­le­ment and the const­ructi­on of lar­ge fort­res­ses. As a ru­le, they used the re­mains of the Kus­han ancient and me­dieval sett­le­ments for this (the Kus­han sta­te du­ring its hey­day covered a sig­ni­ficant part of mo­dern Afg­ha­nis­tan, C

Respect for our national values

Only a healthy person can think comprehensively. Achievements in science, education and sports demonstrate that the minds of the Turkmen youth are healthy and perfect. The subject and Internet Olympiads, creative competitions, the national and international sports tournaments are important events that improve the skills of the Turkmen youth on the path to perfection. These competitions help to discover new talents each year. The President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has recently visited the Ahalteke Equestrian Complex of the President of Turkmenistan. At the venue, the Turkmen leader watched the ‘heavenly’ horses and engaged in creative writing. The President of Turkmenistan noted that, as they say ‘At – myrat’ (‘Horse – purpose’), and the art of horse breeding is enriched. The Turkmen leader emphasized that special significance is attached to the ‘heavenly’ horses and their purity, and expressed his gratitude to horse breeders for their great work.

Pre­serving the Ma­nuscript He­ri­ta­ge of Py­ra­gy

Spea­king at the 8th Sum­mit of the Coo­pe­ra­tion Council of Tur­kic-Spea­king Sta­tes on Novem­ber 12, 2021, Pre­si­dent Gurbanguly Ber­di­mu­ha­me­dov no­ted, “The outs­tan­ding rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Tur­kic peop­les are Mag­tym­gu­ly Py­ra­gy, Yu­nus Em­re, Mu­ham­mad Fi­zu­li, Abay, Yu­suf Ba­la­sa­gu­ni and Mu­ham­mad Ulugh Beg, who­se works con­ti­nue to ins­pi­re us to achieve new heights. Facing se­rious chal­len­ges to­day, we are gui­ded by the his­to­rical le­gacy of the great sta­tes­men and scho­lars of our fra­ter­nal peop­les, who bequeat­hed the im­pe­ris­hab­le princip­les of hu­ma­nism, go­od neigh­bour­li­ness and uni­ty.” To­day, the li­fe dicta­tes the ne­ed for the in-depth stu­dy of the his­to­ry and cul­tu­re of the na­tion, its tra­di­tions and cus­toms. The re­search is ba­sed pri­ma­ri­ly on writ­ten mo­nu­ments. All writ­ten mo­nu­ments rep­re­sent a col­lecti­on of various documents and records, which al­low in ma­ny as­pects recrea­ting the pa­let­te of the cul­tu­ral li­fe of the Turk­men peop­le over the cen­tu­ries. The Turk­men bo­ok cul­tu­re develo­ped in the con­di­tions that we­re com­mon and clo­se for ma­ny peop­les of the Cent­ral Asian re­gion. The­re­fo­re, the stu­dy of the mo­nu­ments of Turk­men bo­ok cul­tu­re reveals a num­ber of ma­te­rials ref­lecting the cul­tu­ral li­fe of the neigh­bou­ring na­tions of Cent­ral Asia.